Dr Vincent Chow

Dr Vincent Chow

Dr Vincent Chow is a staff specialist cardiologist at Concord Hospital who graduated with Honours from the University of New South Wales, and completed his cardiology specialist training and echocardiography fellowship at Concord Hospital in 2010.

He is a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Sydney, and continues to teach medical students and junior doctors through the University of Sydney.

He completed his PhD on long-term cardiac dysfunction and inflammation in systemic diseases at the University of Sydney, with research based at Concord Hospital and ANZAC Research Institute, and supported by the Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarship.He is a clinical cardiologist with particular interests in cardiac function and cardiac biomarkers in settings of drug and disease states. He has published various research articles in peer-reviewed journals in his area of research interests, and has presented at various national and international cardiology conferences.

He is a clinical cardiologist with particular interests in cardiac function and cardiac biomarkers in settings of drug and disease states. He has published various research articles in peer-reviewed journals in his area of research interests, and has presented at various national and international cardiology conferences.

His specific clinical interests include: coronary heart disease including acute coronary syndromes, pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and management, valvular heart disease, heart failure, screening and management of cardiac side effects in patients taking cardiotoxic drugs (chemotherapy, antipsychotic medications), and cardiac imaging including echocardiography

Other languages spoken: Cantonese, Mandarin.